The Importance of Surrogacy Via IVF

In Vitro Fertilization, more commonly known as IVF, is the fertilization of a human embryo outside of the womb, then placing the fertilized embryo inside of the mother's body so she may carry her child. Usually, IVF only required the mother and father's participation. Sometimes, a mother is unable to carry her pregnancy, even with all of the technological advances that IVF offers. When this happens, there are usually few options left to offer the would-be parents. Unless an IVF surrogate can be fund. An IVF surrogate does not donate her eggs, but carries the fertilized embryo for the mother.

IVF surrogacy is a great gift that a woman can give to a couple who may not otherwise be able to have a child on their own. Even if the couple can create a child together, it does nothing if the mother cannot successfully carry her pregnancy to term. A surrogate can carry the child to term and safely deliver it. This is a wonderful and selfless gift to give to two people who may have no other way of having a child.

One must not think that this arrangement is purely one-sided. The parents are not the only ones to benefit. Frequently, IVF surrogates are paid. The surrogate's medical care may also be paid for. Some parents may even offer a surrogate a place to live throughout the pregnancy. Expectant parents usually take care of their surrogate as if she ere a member of the family. The surrogate is doing a very important job for the hopeful parents. Some parents will even allow the surrogate t live with them after the birth of the child and may even allow the surrogate to keep contact with the child. The important thing to remember is that each surrogate will have a different experience and no two experiences will be alike.


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