How to Select Gender with Surrogacy and IVF

We live in a day and age where anything is possible and for those couples looking to have a baby, you can now choose the sex of your baby before it is born. Surrogacy or a surrogacy surrogate allows the family the chance to choose the gender of the child by first and foremost only implanting the chosen embryos. It is helpful to note that gender selection is most successful with IVF or in-vitro fertilization processes.

So why is gender selection more successful in these cases? It is helpful to first look at just what in-vitro is. This is a process by which the egg, taken from the female, is joined with the sperm, either from the male part of the couple or from a donor. The result is a fertilized egg that then develops into a viable embryo. The embryo can be sexed before it is ever implanted back in the female patient or into the surrogacy surrogate.   

This allows the couple to essentially choose which gender they want their baby to be. The process is simple as far as this type of procedure goes, and it is highly successful in terms of families getting the gender baby that they want.    

Many celebrities have taken this process and chosen what the gender of their baby is going to be. This is a process by which families that already have a son for instance can have a daughter. The process has come a long way since it was created but does present some ethical issues. Some believe that the embryos that are not implanted should not be destroyed while others believe it is the right of the parents to choose.      

No matter where you stand, there is no denying that the process is fascinating and absolutely fantastic for those families that choose to use it.   


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